Exploring the Powershell with Netsh and IPv6 (Part one)
Ages ago I was quite busy scripting in the KornShell. And I had the habit of building quick and dirty graphical interfaces to show the results of the scripts. What I wanted was to look at the IPv6 environment by means of a graphical interface using the Powershell.
So the first thing I did was building some functions in the Powershell (v1.0). Simple graphical functions to be incorporated in my own shell environment, by using the ". " command. That was quite easy because of some excellent blogs.
The functions are written in the Form_Functions_v1.ps1 file.
# simple graphical functions
# use the . command to incorporate the functions in the shell environment
function CreateForm {
$global:Form = new-object System.Windows.Forms.form
$Form.Text = $t
$Form.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size($h,$w)
function CreateLabel {
param([string]$t,[int]$x, [int]$y, [int]$w, [int]$h)
$global:Label = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.Text = $t
$Label.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size($x,$y)
$Label.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size($w,$h)
function CreateButton {
param([string]$t,[int]$x,[int]$y,[int]$w, [int]$h)
$global:Button = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$Button.Text = $t
$Button.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size($x,$y)
$Button.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size($w,$h)
function CreateTextBox {
$global:TextBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$TextBox.Text = $t
$TextBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size($x,$y)
$TextBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size($w,$h)
function CreateListBox {
$global:ListBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
$ListBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size($x,$y)
$ListBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size($w,$h)
function CreateComboBox {
$global:ComboBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$ComboBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size($x,$y)
$ComboBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,80)
function ShowForm {
$Form.topmost = $true
I got already used to the Netsh command to investigate the IPv6 environment. But I wanted to look at the netsh interfaces from within the Powershell.
The Powershell works with objects, so the netsh output had to be converted to Powershell objects. Happily there is a New-Object command to create Powershell objects from text-output. I created objects ($MyInterface) by using the Netsh interface ipv6 show interfaces command and placed those objects in an collection of objects ($MyInterfaces) , so I could easily work with them in the scripting environment. The objects from the netsh interface are created in the NetshInterface_v1.ps1 file.
# Create an (Array of) Objects from : "netsh ipv6 interface show interfaces"
# Create an Object
# by parsing the text output from the netsh command
# define properties on the new Object
# assign values to those porterties
# put this object in an array
# this array has a global scope,
# so can be used in the Powershell console after running this file
############################################################################################ Main
$global:MyInterfaces = @()
$interface = netsh interface ipv6 show interfaces
$property=[regex]::replace($interface[1],'[ ]+'," ").Split(" ")
for ( $i = 3 ; $i -lt 5 ;$i++ ) {
$MyInterface = New-Object PSObject
$content = [regex]::replace($interface[$i],'[ ]+'," ").Split(" ")
for ( $j = 0 ; $j -lt 5 ; $j++ ) {
$MyInterface | Add-Member NoteProperty $property[$j] $content[$j+1]
$global:MyInterfaces = $MyInterfaces + @($MyInterface)
Next the graphical interface. I wanted to build some interface to quickly inspect the IPV6-interfaces. The idea was to build a drop-down list to gather the the objects to be investigated and to show the attributes and their values in a very simple window. The contents of the windows had to be derived from the object-properties. The enumeration of the created objects and the display are written in the NetshInterfaces_GU_v1.ps1 file.
# Simple window. Shows the ipv6 interfaces on the local engine.
# from : "netsh interface ipv6 show interfaces"
# In this example script only the IPV6 interfaces
# Get the simple graphical functions
# Get the Ipv6 interfaces by calling the NetshInterfaces script.
# this scripts delivers the $MyInterfaces collection
# Create the Form
# Create the Listbox and specify a user action.
# Create $ListOfNames ( properties of the object )
# Create ( an array of ) Labels
# Create ( an array of ) Textboxes
# Show the IPv6 interfaces in the Listbox
# If the user selects an Interface, show the properties of that interface
Function Create_ListOfNames {
$ll = @()
$list = $MyInterfaces | gm -type NoteProperty
foreach ( $line in $list ) {$ll = $ll + @($line.name )}
return $ll
Function Create_Labels {
param($list, $x, $y, $w, $h )
$ll = @()
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $list.count ; $i++ ) {
$ll = $ll + @(Createlabel $list[$i] $x ($y = $y + 20) $w $h )
return $ll
Function Create_TextBoxes {
param($list, $x, $y, $w, $h)
$tt = @()
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $list.count ; $i++ ) {
$tt = $tt + @(Createtextbox "" $x ($y = $y + 20) $w $h )
return $tt
Function ShowListBox_Interfaces {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $MyInterFaces.count ; $i++ ) {
Function Get_Content_TextBoxes {
$global:thisobject = $MyinterFaces | where { $_.Name -match $ListBox_Interfaces.selectedItem }
$content = $thisobject | gm -type Noteproperty
for ( $i = 0 ; $i -lt $content.count ; $i++ ) {
$Textboxes[$i].Text = $thisobject.($content[$i].Name)
############################################################################################ Main
. ./Function_Forms_v1.ps1
CreateForm "Netsh IPv6 Interfaces" 400 300
$global:ListBox_Interfaces = CreateListBox 60 20 200 60
$ListBox_Interfaces.add_click({ Get_Content_TextBoxes })
$global:ListOfNames = Create_ListOfNames
$global:Labels = Create_Labels $listOfNames 20 120 50 20
$global:Textboxes = Create_TextBoxes $listOfNames 120 120 100 20
Of course all the syntax and so, are quite crude and may not be as sophisticated as could be. But i'm just starting my investigations, so – in time- maybe you will see some improvements. You can find the Powershell Scripts in the NetshInterface_v1.zip file in the download section.