JavaPolis 2006
Yesterday, I signed up for the JavaPolis 2006 conference in Antwerp. Regarding the information currently available on the conference wiki it promises some interesting sessions, just like last year.
I'm planning to do some blog coverage of the event. If you haven't attended a previous JavaPolis event and would want to get a feel of the conference you might want to peek at my coverage of last year's edition of JavaPolis.
University Day 1, University Day 2, Conference Day 3, Conference Day 4, Conference Day 5.
The theme looks promising as well 🙂 During last year's keynote they promised some less sexually oriented theme for this year. As you can tell from the picture in this post, the toilet paper adds a touch of subtleness in discretely hiding every mere suggestion to impure thoughts. Let's hope the toilet underneath is no methaphor for the content quality 🙂
Then only thing left to wish for is some free wireless network available at the Metropolis conference venue and this is exactly what is anounced in the latest conference newsletter. So, I'm really looking forward to the conference which is due in less than a month now. See you there!