Storing your RSSBandit feeds remotely
I'm using RSSBandit to read my feeds. However since I work on lots of different computers, it would be nice to have a central version of my subscribed feeds and the posts I've read.
RSSBandit offers this feature (Tools->Options->Remote Storage). After selecting a location for remote storage (multiple protocols are supported), you can use Ctrl-Shift-U and D to up or download your feed info to the central location.
I wanted to do this using FTP. After trying to get an FTP server to run on my router (Linksys WRT54G), and not having any luck, because my SveaSoft firmware does not support multiple user accounts, I suddenly realized that I didn't have to go through al that trouble :-).
I still have homepage space lying around at my provider, which is accessible via FTP. After digging up the password they send me a long time ago (I also do not really use the provider mail account :-)) I was able to use this for storing my RSSBandit data.
The moral of this story: Sometimes the solution can be so easy you overlook it….
Btw, for the Dutch Chello users out there, look here for instructions on FTP-ing to your homepage area.