TAP Kickoff next few days
*Moved to: http://fluentbytes.com/tap-kickoff-next-few-days/
It has only been a few days ago, when I gave some talks at the Visual Studio 2008 Launch event here in the Netherlands.(b.t.w you can download the slide deck of the presentations over here) Now the product is launched customers can start using the product and our integrated version of the Endeavour software factory. Where the adoption cycle for most customers for 2008 start now, we have been working with Visual Studio 2008 for quite some time now and we are going to start working with the next version hopefully next week.
As you might have heard already, our company Info Support has been chosen as one of the few companies participating in the Rosario TAP program. Rosario is the next version of Visual Studio Team System and TAP stands for Technical Adoption Program. The TAP is used by Microsoft to have customers engage in a very early product development stage and get early feedback on the progress they have made today. Microsoft is working on Rosario for a while already, but is now starting the early adoption cycle. I am very excited that we are chosen again as one of the adoption partners because it will give us the great opportunity to start working on the integration of our software factory Endeavour to the next version of visual Studio and Team foundation server.
This week I am in Redmond with my colleague Martijn. If everything goes as planned we will get information on where the product is heading and we will be able to start making the first plans of what will be our integration strategy for the next version of Endeavour.
As you might imagine a lot of the stuff we are working on will still be NDA (non Disclosure) but if we are allowed to blog about new features that are coming, I will keep you guys posted.
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