BeFrank Makes Pension Insight Real-Time and on Demand
BeFrank is an innovative online pension administrator for employers and employees and primarily has a digital strategy with the core values: clear, simple and online. And that is distinctive in this industry. Because where often a pension overview is shared once a year that is difficult to understand, BeFrank makes pensions transparent in real time and on demand.

Thinking from the customer and his or her personal needs as much as possible.
Target Audience
Employers and employees.
An architecture in which it is possible to implement new wishes from the business or requirements from regulatory agencies very quickly.
Pension always in your pocket
For the customer and participant, a modern pension means a process that is as simple as possible. To continuously achieve this, BeFrank has been working strategically with Info Support for several years. The latest IT system for BeFrank was recently delivered: an application landscape consisting of a back office, a member portal and an employer portal. With this, BeFrank offers an innovative pension that is always in one’s pocket.
We see Info Support as a strategic IT partner; at strategic, tactical and operational levels, Info Support is a discussion partner for setting our course.Anne Wilschut, CEO at BeFrank
Proper setup of IT systems is crucial
The main challenge in developing the portal: thinking from the customer and his or her personal needs as much as possible. As an example, we looked at innovative organizations outside the pension industry that take a personal customer approach. Communicating with participants in a clear and simple manner is a top priority at BeFrank; the correct set-up of IT systems is crucial in this respect.
Thomas van der Weijde, DevOps engineer at Info Support: “In just over a year, we built the pension administration system from scratch, cleaned up the data and migrated it completely. We then developed this further and enriched the applications with new functionalities. We also realized new applications and set up two entirely new portals for employers and employees so that the various users can easily arrange their pension affairs at BeFrank.” In the past year, Info Support developed a link with BeFrank to enable investment administration with NN Investment Partners. From the portals, this gives you real-time insight into the investment portfolio. Software development was done using the continuous delivery method.
Joint development teams
Joris Zomerdijk, Product Owner at BeFrank: “There are currently three mixed development teams active, with both Info Support and BeFrank employees. These high-performance agile teams can make technical choices independently, in line with the architecture frameworks. Info Support provides software developers and specialists in architecture and management. In addition, they help us build internal knowledge and experience, through training, pair programming and guidance and recruitment support.”
Renewed IT architecture and high quality software
Mirjam Lemaire, unitmanager Finance bij Info Support: “Gezamenlijk hebben we iets heel moois neergezet. De IT-architectuur is zeer vernieuwend en de hoge kwaliteit van software is gecontroleerd door de SIG. De architectuur maakt het mogelijk om nieuwe wensen vanuit de business of eisen vanuit regulerende instanties heel snel te implementeren. Samenwerking met de business hierin is enorm belangrijk.” Anne Wilschut, CEO van BeFrank: “De teams hebben in korte tijd geweldig werk geleverd door het pensioenadministratiesysteem en de portalen te realiseren. Info Support wordt door ons dan ook gezien als strategic IT partner: op tactisch, strategisch en operationeel niveau is Info Support gesprekspartner voor het bepalen van onze koers.”