SD Worx

'SportsPay' was Born from Collaboration between SD Worx and Info Support

Since 2002, SD Worx has relied on Info Support to train its software developers. The partnership has evolved over the years and SD Worx has since entrusted Info Support with several consulting projects. This close partnership between SD Worx and Info Support is based on mutual trust and satisfaction.


In Belgium, there are thousands of sports clubs that do not have sufficient budget to use a social secretariat or accounting firm. However, these clubs pay their players premiums that must be taxed correctly. This requires administrative follow-up and a lot of calculations.

Target Audience

Sports clubs.


Sports clubs can pay their premiums in a simple way and still within the legal framework thanks to the new application.

Software crucial in complex process of payroll administration

With 70 years of experience on the counter, more than 54,000 clients among large and medium-sized companies and 2,000 employees, SD Worx is the market leader in Belgium in the field of Payroll, HR, tax and social legislation. SD is also active in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the United States and Canada, among others. In the complex process of payroll administration, software plays a crucial role and the importance of well-functioning software is only increasing. SD’s explosive growth means that there is an ever-increasing need for more applications. Info Support and SD Worx have jointly realized several projects since 2014, namely SportsPay, TaxTPI and Warrants Tool 2.0.

SD Worx could never have accomplished the project in that short time without Info Support.
Bart Waeterschoot, Enterprise Architect at SD Worx

Online software application SportsPay

Bart Waeterschoot, Enterprise Architect at SD Worx tells the story behind one of these projects ‘SportsPay’ and how SD Worx experiences the cooperation with Info Support. SD Worx has a specific and extensive offering within Belgium for SMEs to very large companies. This flexibility and extensive set of services often results in a higher price tag and manual effort. In 2014, SD Worx management decided to also market no-frills solutions, such as fully automated and do-it-yourself applications with corresponding low prices. This decision led to the development of the online software application “SportsPay.

Need breaks law

In Belgium, there are thousands of sports clubs that do not have sufficient budget to use a social secretariat or accounting firm. However, these clubs pay their players premiums that must be taxed correctly. This requires an administrative follow-up and a lot of calculations but because they do not have the necessary resources they often end up in “the black circuit.

As a result, they are not fiscally in order and risk hefty fines, resulting in the closure of the club. So there was a need for a quick and affordable solution to help these sports clubs handle and process the tax jumble correctly.

Paying premiums easily within the legal framework

At the end of 2014, SD Worx’s IT department was tasked with quickly starting to develop a software application for sports clubs. For this, SD Worx called on the expertise of Info Support, which has over 30 years of experience in software development. Info Support’s development team started in December 2014 and the ‘SportsPay’ software application was officially launched in August 2015. “SD Worx could never have realized the project in that short time without Info Support. Info Support’s no-nonsense and sharp analytical approach delivered exactly the results we needed,” said Bart Waeterschoot.

With the online SportsPay software, sports clubs can pay their premiums in a simple way and still within the legal framework. They register on the SportsPay website, enter the details of their members once so that when they attend a training session and/or match, they only have to tick their name in the program and SportsPay automatically does the correct calculation of the withholding tax and premiums owed.

Iterative approach

“What we really appreciate about Info Support is their Agile and iterative approach. The deployment of the application is fully automated and with the push of a button we can put a new version online. In addition, testing of the software is also automatic. Info Support is very strong in Continuous Delivery and DevOps which allows us to continuously adjust and adapt SportsPay even though it has been on the market for a year. For SD Worx it was previously unthinkable to bring a product to market without it being completely finished,” Bart Waeterschoot continues.

“In my opinion, Info Supporters want to go home in the evening with the feeling that they have delivered high quality and not just spent a few hours performing at the customer’s site. Something we unfortunately don’t see in many consulting companies these days.” Bart Waeterschoot describes Info Supporters as IT experts with the drive and passion to constantly learn and who also possess the necessary communication skills. With “This is a rare combination to find!” Bart Waeterschoot concludes the conversation.

For us, Info Supporters are true professionals who challenge the customer and they also dare to hold a mirror up to you.
Bart Waeterschoot, Enterprise Architect at SD Worx