A better way to manage your Virtual Server Machines

I think most people will agree that the Microsoft Virtual Server Web console is not the easist tool to use. System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 promises to be a lot better, but a) it's still in beta and b) it requires an Active Directory.

But there is an alternative! Have a look at VMRCplus.

– Mind you that there is no support from Microsoft for this tool.

– It requires the .NET 2.0 framework.

What does VMRCplus offer?

  • Direct control of local or remote instances of the Virtual Server service. IIS and IE browser are no longer required!
  • Tabbed interface to quickly jump between Virtual Server hosts and guest VMRC sessions.
  • Reusable saved states: this feature allows users to preserve a particular saved state and return to that state at any time.
  • Multiple guest selection supported for startup/shutdown/save/display.
  • Browse button navigation for media, hard disk images, ISO images, .VMC files, etc.
  • Drag and Drop support for .VMC files, ISO's images, VHD and VFD files.
  • Resizable desktop support for guests running Virtual Machine Additions (maximize VMRC window supported).
  • Limited cut and paste of text from host to guest (only).
  • A built-in utility to take JPG screenshots of running guests. Useful when filing bugs.
  • Built-in error notification with Virtual Server event log viewer.
  • A Virtual Networks Manager and Virtual Disks Manager that cover all features.
  • Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl-S to save state a guest).
  • Create multiple guests at once.
  • Create guest from parent (or multiple guests)!
  • Automatic reconnect to a designated Virtual Server host.
  • Toolbars in both Guest and Console Manager for quick access.
  • Unlimited number of guests.
  • Maximum of 32 Virtual Server hosts.
  • Sorting on columns of guests so you can sort based on status and multi-select.
  • Automatic detection of Virtual Machine Additions and notification.
  • Detection of Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1.

More info and download: http://blogs.technet.com/aralves/archive/2007/06/28/manage-your-virtual-server-machines-with-vmrc-plus.aspx

Updated: Inmiddels is er een officiele download pagina : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=80adc08c-bfc6-4c3a-b4f1-772f550ae791&DisplayLang=en