Crocs in Code


Today someone asked me why you should NOT do the following:

Subclass and leave an inherited operation empty, not abstract but empty.

Now, there are very good reasons to give but my wife told me a true story that I liked so much I decided to share it:

Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, kept crocodiles in his zoo in cages without doors. He reasoned as follows: if the cages have doors, there will come a day that someone leaves a door open. So he made the zoo keepers jump over the fences to get into the cages.

When you subclass and leave the method empty you create a door in your code and some day, someone will open that door.

It might be completely harmless (the croc just ate) but it could also be the start of a wild chase throught the entire zoo hunting a croc that is looking for dinner.

Do not create potential hazards, Murphy lives just around the corner.

Yes, I know, there are many good reasons sending shivers down your spine that indicate there is something wrong with the code:

  • why would you subclass if the inherited method does not belong in the subclass?
  • what is the functional specification and justification of an empty method?

but I loved this story.