FlexListViewer-webpart update: support for LookUp-fields
About a month ago I released the FlexListViewer-webpart. Because I got a lot of positive reactions, I decided to give it some more work! 🙂
Biggest change is that I added support for LookUp-fields to the FlexListViewer-webpart. It already displayed the looked-up value, but now it the value is displayed as a link. Clicking on it navigates to the item in the source list.
I also changed some exception handling code, so that it shouldn’t crash when the URL of the view of the list is invalid. It now also performs some checks on the entered list view URL.
FlexListViewer-webpart v1.1 can be downloaded >>here<<!
(remember to uninstall version 1.0 first)
Tip #1: did you know that the FlexListViewer-webpart can very easily be used to customize the formatting of a column of the list? I will write an article about that soon.
Tip #2: to stay up-2-date on the FlexListViewer-webpart, you can subscribe to the RSS-feed of the category “FlexListViewer“ (rss). That way you don’t miss any news or updates. If you don’t have an RSS-reader yet, I suggest you use RSS Bandit.
(Robert te Kaat)