Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4

Last week we had a very exiting event! The release of the beta version of HMC version 4.0. This beta release of the Hosted Messaging and Collaboration binaries contains Exchange 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Given the fact that most of the infrastructure components evolved and as well as adding these new services MPS has many changes. Another nice feature is the new Sample Control Panel that is included.
So we locked ourselves up in one of our class rooms in Veenendaal and started building the platform. To spare hardware we use Microsoft Virtual Server (x64!).

Were are we after two days?
– Build the infrastructure
– Build Provisioning
– Build WSS 3.0
Yes, it’s working so far 🙂

HMC 4.0 does not use the reference network architecture from HMC 3.x (and previous WBH versions). Instead it uses Zones to split and isolate roles. We build the following roles/machines and zones:

AD01 – Zone 3
MPSSQL01 – Zone 3 (Combined MPS and SQL 2005)
EXMBX01 – Zone 3 (Exchange 2007 Mailbox server)
DNS01 – Zone 2
PROV01 – Zone 2 (MPS Web UI)
COLLAB01 – Zone 2 (WSS3)
EXCH01 – Zone 2 (Exchange 2007 CAS & HUB)
EXEDGE01 – Zone 1 (Exchange 2007 Edge server)

So enough said let me show some off the screens I made this morning:


  The new SampleUI splash screen











 Logged on now, let’s create a new WSS 3.0 Site for this organization.











 Just fill the appropriate fields as they reflect your setup cross your fingers and hit the Submit button very gently.










  Let’s just say that this looks promisingly!!










 The solid proof! I rest my case, bin there, done that, got the T-shirt 😉






Today we gone start with the Exchange part. As we call it the fun part. Keep you guys posted here.