My RSS reader (RSS Bandit) on Vista

For reading RSS feeds, I use RSS Bandit and until now I was not able to use it, because even though I could install is, I could not configure it correctly or download my feeds from newsgator. The interface froze.
and when I wanted to 3D-toggle between applications I saw every object that RSS Bandit created as a different Window in my list: See Picture
last Tuesday in the evening I just thought about a possible solution: if in glass the problem exist, maybe it will not exist when I run without glass. and this seemed to be the solution. I switched off the glass interface, set up RSS Bandit, imported my feeds, and reverted to glass, everything (except the menu’s from RSS Bandit) runs smoothly. If I have to reconfigure the reader, I will have to revert to basic interface for some time, do the reconfiguration and go back to glass again.
(Click picture for a larger image)