New Team Foundation Stats for a large environment (MS Dogfood)
Team Foundation server really does a good job in a large environment.
- Recent users: 330
- Users with assigned work items: 488
- Version control users: 468
Work items
- Work items: 49,807
- Areas and Iterations: 2,127
- Work item versions: 416,722
- Attached files: 12,825
- Queries: 4,640
Version control
- Files/Folders: 622,832/72,155
- LocalVersion: 24.4 M
- Total compressed file sizes: 59.9G (there’s about a 3-4 to 1 compression between compressed size and uncompressed size)
- Workspaces: 995
- Shelvesets: 2,010
- Checkins: 10,418
- Pending changes: 27,429
Commands (last 7 days)
- Work Item queries: 25,442
- Work Item updates: 7,402
- Work Item opens: 42,109
- Gets: 8,434
- Downloads: 3.4M
- Checkins: 354
- Uploads: 8,094
- Shelves: 334
See the more about latest stats of the Microsoft dogfood server: Team Foundation Dogfood stats