Offline Feature TFS 2008 can get you puzzled, Solution not bound to source control error

*Moved to:

Today I spend a fair amount of time figuring out why my visual studio solution appeared to be not bound to version control.

I started visual studio, connected to the team foundation server and there browse in the version control explorer to the solution I wanted to open (I had to do some code reviews there).

So I did a Get Latest version and after that double clicked the solution file. So as expected the solution loaded in visual studio, but after loading I got the following message:

Hmmm.. that was strange, I just got it from the TFS server and my colleague did some final check in on the code just yesterday. But it gives you the option to bind it, so I clicked yes.

Then I got the following window to bind my solution, but whatever I tried, no luck.


No server to connect to, clicking bind, only changes the Icon back and forth, so no way to add it to version control.

So I tried a lot of thing, like deleting my workspace and creating a new one again, because I thought I had a corrupt workspace. But what I tried noting seemed to work.

One thing I did not try is start visual studio again and so I did. Not that this solved the problem, but it did give me the clue what has happened to my environment. When opening the solution again my eye caught a little message in the bottom of the screen. There it showed the following message:

This triggered me that I had opened the solution a few days ago from local hard drive where I had no connection to my server. I got this dialog showing me that I would go in offline mode, but never realized that when I was opening the solution form the version control explorer while I just got the sources from the server……

To fix the problem, I only had to go to the version control options in the file menu and select the option: Go Online

After selecting This option, my solution was bound to version control again.

To be honest, I love the way they improved the offline experience in 2008, but it still has some rough edges, like the once I experienced today.
I shure hope this will get better when Rosario arrives.



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