- Make sure to save all your MP3 files on your network drive. No sense in wasting valuable space on your local drive! Plus, Ted loves browsing through 100+ GB of music files while he backs up the servers.
- Play with all the wires you can find. If you can’t find enough, open something up to expose them. After you have finished, and nothing works anymore, put it all back together and call Ted. Deny that you touched anything and that it was working perfectly only five minutes ago. Ted just loves a good mystery. For added effect you can keep looking over his shoulder and ask what each wire is for.
- Never write down error messages. Just click OK, or restart your computer. Ted likes to guess what the error message was.
- When talking about your computer, use terms like “Thingy” and “Big Connector.”
- If you get an EXE file in an email attachment, open it immediately. Ted likes to make sure the anti-virus software is working properly.
just a few examples Why you should take care of your Sysadmin and make him feel appreciated.
take care of your SysAdmin, make him feel appreciated… at least on 27th of July 2007