We have many SQL 2000 server, that is not setup as a distributor or a
publisher. It is not involved in replication. we we have been seeing a bunch of connections on the server from user NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM application SQLDMO executing exec sp_helpdistpublisher @check_user = 1 a number of times. Why would it be doing that, when the server is not setup for replication. One more thing.. We have MOM2005 SP1 would this be related.. ??
I’m getting the same problem. After installing the new SQL MP the connections arn’t released. So I started the query analyzer. Exec a sp_who2. The process names where all SQLDMO_ and the SQL statement was exec sp_helpdistpublisher @check_user = 1 . I started a SQL profiles and monitored the server for a while. Then i did a search string with “exec sp_helpdistpublisher @check_user = 1”. On the match record i looked at the “clientProcessID” . Then i looked in the system task manager what process has this PID. And yes it was the “MOMHost.exe”. So YES it is MOM releated. I’m going to see whats the solution.
Found it on the inet:
To resolve the issue, you changed the contents of the SQL Server 2000 Replication Monitoring script with the contents of the one from the original SQL 2000 MP (version 05.0.2746.0000). Since then, the process is now being released.
Ok this solves the problem. I pasted the 05.0.2746.0000 script below:
‘——————————————————————- ‘ <company>Microsoft Corporation</company> ‘ <copyright>Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2003</copyright> ‘ <summary> ‘ Alerts on Replication failures ‘ </summary> ‘——————————————————————-
option explicit
‘Event Constants Const EVENTID_INFORMATION = 10701
‘Other constants Const SCRIPT_NAME = “SQL Server 2000 Replication Failures”
Dim g_oSQL
Sub Main()
Dim oParams, bInformationEvent, aInstances, sMsgActive Dim i, sMessage, oEvent
Set g_oSQL = New SQL
Set oParams = ScriptContext.Parameters bInformationEvent = CBool(oParams.Get(“InformationEvent”)) Set oParams = Nothing
aInstances = Split(g_oSQL.GetSQLInstances(),”,”) For i = 0 To UBound(aInstances) If sMsgActive <> “” Then sMsgActive = sMsgActive & “,” sMsgActive = sMsgActive & aInstances(i)
CheckReplicationFailures aInstances(i) Next If bInformationEvent Then If sMsgActive <> “” Then sMessage = “The script ‘” & SCRIPT_NAME & “‘ ran. The following instances are available on this server and were checked: ” & sMsgActive Else sMessage = “The script ‘” & SCRIPT_NAME & “‘ ran. There were no instances currently active on this server” End If g_oSQL.CreateEvent EVENTID_INFORMATION, EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION, sMessage End If
End Sub
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CheckReplicationFailures ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks for replication failures ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance – the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: nothing ‘ Function CheckReplicationFailures(sInstance) dim cnADOConnection dim rsSQLReplicationFailures dim strServerName dim strProv dim strQuery dim strDatabaseName dim sName dim spath dim sMessage
strDatabaseName = “distribution” On Error Resume Next
sName = g_oSQL.GetSQLName(sInstance)
If sName <> “” Then
If sInstance = “MSSQLSERVER” Then sPath = sName Else sPath = sName & “” & sInstance End If
Set cnADOConnection = MomCreateObject(“ADODB.Connection”) cnADOConnection.Provider = “sqloledb” cnADOConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 30 strProv = “Server=” & sPath & “;Database=” & strDatabaseName & “;Trusted_Connection=yes”
on error resume next Err.Clear cnADOConnection.Open strProv if 0 <> Err.number then on error goto 0 Set cnADOConnection = Nothing Exit Function end if on error goto 0
’SELECT ’ dbo.MSdistribution_history.agent_id, ’ dbo.MSdistribution_history.runstatus, ’ dbo.MSdistribution_history.[time], ’ dbo.MSdistribution_history.comments, ’ dbo.MSdistribution_agents.name ’FROM ’ dbo.MSdistribution_history INNER JOIN ’ dbo.MSdistribution_agents ON dbo.MSdistribution_history.agent_id = dbo.MSdistribution_agents.id ’WHERE ’ (dbo.MSdistribution_history.runstatus = ‘6’) AND ’ DATEDIFF(minute, [time], getdate()) < 10 strQuery = “SELECT dbo.MSdistribution_history.agent_id, dbo.MSdistribution_history.runstatus, dbo.MSdistribution_history.[time], dbo.MSdistribution_history.comments, dbo.MSdistribution_agents.name FROM dbo.MSdistribution_history INNER JOIN dbo.MSdistribution_agents ON dbo.MSdistribution_history.agent_id = dbo.MSdistribution_agents.id WHERE (dbo.MSdistribution_history.runstatus = ‘6’) AND DATEDIFF(minute, [time], getdate()) < 20”
Set rsSQLReplicationFailures = cnADOConnection.Execute(strQuery)
Do While rsSQLReplicationFailures.EOF = False
sMessage = “The SQL Server Replication Agent (” & rsSQLReplicationFailures(“name”).Value & “) has failed. Details: ” & rsSQLReplicationFailures(“comments”).Value g_oUtil.LogMessage g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, sMessage
g_oSQL.CreateAlert ALERT_CRITICAL_ERROR, _ SCRIPT_NAME, _ sMessage, _ ””, _ ””
rsSQLReplicationFailures.MoveNext Loop
End If
Set cnADOConnection = Nothing Set rsSQLReplicationFailures = Nothing End Function
Dim g_aDatabaseExcludeArray Dim g_bDatabaseExclusion Dim g_aJobExcludeArray Dim g_bJobExclusion
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name – SQL – SQL Server Utility Class ‘ ‘ Version – Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 ‘ ‘ Purpose – Utility Class for SQL Server health monitoring ‘ ‘ Methods Implemented – ‘ ‘ Discovery and Service Check: ‘ GetSQLInstances - Returns a comma-delimited list of SQL instances ‘ IsSQL7 - Returns True if SQL Server 7.0 ‘ Is64Bit - Returns True if 64Bit ‘ IsMSDE - Returns True if MSDE ‘ IsClustered - Returns boolean for SQL clustered value ‘ IsServiceStarted - Checks if the specified service is started ‘ GetSQLName - Returns the name of the SQL Server ‘ GetSQLInstanceName - Returns the SQL Server instance name ‘ CollectDatabaseExclusions - Collect a list of excluded servers ‘ CollectJobExclusions – Collect a list of excluded jobs ‘ IsDatabaseExcluded - Determine if a database is excluded ‘ IsJobExcluded – Determine if a job is excluded ‘ IsSQLServiceStarted – Checks if the specified SQL server instance is started ‘ GetSQLServiceName – Returns the service name for a SQL instance ‘ GetConnectionFailureMessage – Returns an error message for connection failures ‘ GetRunningInstances – Returns arrays of the instances in a given array that are running and not running ‘ ‘ Connectivity Check: ‘ SQLConnect - Checks if a specified instance returns data ‘ ‘ Event Logging: ‘ CreateEvent - Creates a MOM event ‘ CreateAlert – Creates a MOM alert ‘ ‘ Service Discovery: ‘ ServiceStateUpdate - Updates the Summary State View for a specified SRG ‘ ‘ Registry Reading: ‘ ReadRegistryStringValue - Read a string registry key ‘ ReadRegistryMultiStringValue – Read a multi string registry key ‘ ReadRegistryDWORDValue – Read a DWORD value registry key ‘ GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot – Get the root of the sql instance’s registry keys ‘ GetSQLInstanceKey – Get the registry key path for a sql instance ‘ ‘ Version 12
Class SQL Public HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Public SQL_DEFAULT Public SQL_KEY_DEFAULT Public SQL_KEY_NAMED Public SQL_KEY_VER Public SQL_VAL_INSTINST Public SERVICESTATE_GREEN Public SERVICESTATE_YELLOW Public SERVICESTATE_RED Public DATABASE_EXCLUDE_FILENAME Public DATABASE_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY Public JOB_EXCLUDE_FILENAME Public JOB_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY Private m_oSafeRegistry ‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: Class_Initialize ‘ ‘ Purpose: Initialize the public methods of the class ‘ ‘ Parameters: None ‘ ‘ Returns: None ‘ Private Sub Class_Initialize()
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 SQL_DEFAULT = “MSSQLSERVER” SQL_KEY_DEFAULT = “SoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServer” SQL_KEY_NAMED = “SoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server” SQL_KEY_VER = “SoftwareMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServerCurrentVersion” SQL_VAL_INSTINST = “InstalledInstances”
Set m_oSafeRegistry = New SafeRegistry m_oSafeRegistry.SuppressionFlags = (m_oSafeRegistry.SUPPRESS_KEY_NOT_FOUND Or m_oSafeRegistry.SUPPRESS_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) End Sub
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetRunningInstances ‘ ‘ Purpose: ‘ ‘ Parameters: ‘ ‘ Returns: ‘ Public Function GetRunningInstances(ByVal aInstances, ByRef aNonRunningInstances)
Dim sWQLNameList Dim sInstance If Not IsArray(aInstances) Then Exit Function For Each sInstance In aInstances If sWQLNameList <> “” Then sWQLNameList = sWQLNameList & ” or “ sWQLNameList = sWQLNameList & “Name = ‘” & GetSQLServiceName(sInstance) & “‘” Next If sWQLNameList <> “” Then Dim sWQLQuery sWQLQuery = “select Name from Win32_Service where (” & sWQLNameList & “)” Dim sNamespace sNamespace = “winmgmts://” & ScriptContext.TargetComputer & “/root/cimv2” Dim oRunning Set oRunning = WMIExecQuery(sNamespace, sWQLQuery & ” and State = ‘Running'”) GetRunningInstances = CreateSQLInstanceArray(oRunning) Dim oNotRunning Set oNotRunning = WMIExecQuery(sNamespace, sWQLQuery & ” and State <> ‘Running'”) aNonRunningInstances = CreateSQLInstanceArray(oNotRunning) End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CreateSQLInstanceArray ‘ ‘ Purpose: ‘ ‘ Parameters: ‘ ‘ Returns: ‘ Private Function CreateSQLInstanceArray(ByVal oServiceObjectSet) Dim aInstances If oServiceObjectSet.Count > 0 Then ReDim aInstances(oServiceObjectSet.Count – 1) Dim i i = 0 Dim oService For Each oService in oServiceObjectSet aInstances(i) = GetSQLInstanceNameFromServiceName(oService.Name) i = i + 1 Next End If
CreateSQLInstanceArray = aInstances End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot ‘ ‘ Purpose: Gets the path to the root registry key for the instance’s ‘ registry values ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance – The SQL instance name ‘ ‘ Returns: the root registry path ‘ Public Function GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot(ByVal sInstance) If sInstance = SQL_DEFAULT Then GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot = SQL_KEY_DEFAULT Else GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot = SQL_KEY_NAMED & “” & sInstance End If End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLInstanceKey ‘ ‘ Purpose: Gets the path to the registry key for the instance ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance – The SQL instance name ‘ ‘ Returns: the registry path ‘ Public Function GetSQLInstanceKey(ByVal sInstance, ByVal sKey) GetSQLInstanceKey = GetSQLInstanceKeyRoot(sInstance) & “” & sKey End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetConnectionFailureMessage ‘ ‘ Purpose: To generate a message stating the reason for failing to connect to a SQL instance ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, The SQL instance ‘ lErrNumber, The error number returned from the connection attempt ‘ sErrDescription, The error description returned from the connection attempt ‘ ‘ Returns: The failure message ‘ Public Function GetConnectionFailureMessage(sInstance, lErrNumber, sErrDescription) Dim sFailureReason Dim sSQLServiceName sSQLServiceName = GetSQLServiceName(sInstance) Dim sResult
Select Case IsSQLServiceStarted(sInstance) Case -2 sFailureReason = “is not installed” Case -1, 0 sFailureReason = “is not running” Case 1 Const DB_CONNECTION_FAILURE_MESSAGE = “The SQL Server management pack script “”SQL Server 2000 Replication Monitoring”” is unable to successfully connect to the SQL Server instance “”{ServiceName}””. The error message returned is “”{Description}””” sResult = Replace(DB_CONNECTION_FAILURE_MESSAGE, “{ServiceName}”, sSQLServiceName) GetConnectionFailureMessage = Replace(sResult, “{Description}”, sErrDescription) Exit Function End Select
Const DB_CONNECTION_NO_SERVICE_MESSAGE = “The SQL Server service ({ServiceName}) {FailureReason}.” sResult = Replace(DB_CONNECTION_NO_SERVICE_MESSAGE, “{ServiceName}”, sSQLServiceName) GetConnectionFailureMessage = Replace(sResult, “{FailureReason}”, sFailureReason) End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLInstances ‘ ‘ Purpose: Gets the list of instances of SQL installed on ‘ the specified server. These are read from the registry. ‘ ‘ Parameters: None ‘ ‘ Returns: A comma separated list of instances ‘ Public Function GetSQLInstances()
Dim sInstances Dim aKeyValues Dim iCount Dim sClusterName Dim bAddInstance Dim sInstance aKeyValues = ReadRegistryMultiStringValue(SQL_KEY_NAMED, SQL_VAL_INSTINST, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If Not IsNull(aKeyValues) Then For Each sInstance In aKeyValues If Not IsMSDE(sInstance) Then sClusterName = ReadRegistryStringValue(GetSQLInstanceKey(sInstance, “Cluster”), “ClusterName”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If ScriptContext.IsTargetVirtualServer Then bAddInstance = (ScriptContext.TargetNetbiosComputer = sClusterName) Else bAddInstance = IsNull(sClusterName) End If If bAddInstance Then If sInstances <> “” Then sInstances = sInstances & “,” End If sInstances = sInstances & sInstance End If End If Next Else If IsSQL7(ScriptContext.TargetComputer) then sInstances = SQL_DEFAULT Else sInstances = “” End If End If
Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “GetSQLInstances returning the following instances: ” & sInstances)
GetSQLInstances = sInstances
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsSQL7 ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks if a Server is SQL Server 7.0 ‘ ‘ Parameters: sHostName, the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: True if Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is installed ‘ False if Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is not installed ‘ Public Function IsSQL7(sHostName)
If Left(ReadRegistryStringValue(SQL_KEY_VER, “CurrentVersion”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer),4) = “7.00” Then IsSQL7 = True Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “SQL Server 7.0 True for: ” & sHostName) Else IsSQL7 = False End if
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: Is64Bit ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks if a Server is 64Bit ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: True if 64Bit ‘ False if not 64bit Public Function Is64Bit(sInstance)
Dim sKeyValue sKeyValue = ReadRegistryStringValue(GetSQLInstanceKey(SQL_DEFAULT, “Setup”), “FeatureName”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If sKeyValue = “SQL_Engine” Then Is64Bit = True Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “64Bit True for: ” & sInstance) Else Is64Bit = False End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsMSDE ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks if a Server is MSDE ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: True if Microsoft MSDE ‘ False if Microsoft MSDE is not installed Public Function IsMSDE(sInstance)
Dim sKeyValue if True = Is64Bit(sInstance) then IsMSDE = False Exit Function End if sKeyValue = ReadRegistryStringValue(GetSQLInstanceKey(sInstance, “Setup”), “ProductCode”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If Not IsNull(sKeyValue) Then IsMSDE = True Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “MSDE True for: ” & sInstance) Else IsMSDE = False End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsClustered ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks if an instance is clustered ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: 1 if the instance is clustered ‘ 0 if the instance is not clustered ‘
Public Function IsClustered(sInstance)
Dim sClusterName sClusterName = ReadRegistryStringValue(GetSQLInstanceKey(sInstance, “Cluster”), “ClusterName”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If Not IsNull(sClusterName) Then IsClustered = 1 Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “The following node is a member of a cluster: ” & sInstance) Else IsClustered = 0 End If End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsSQLServiceStarted ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks whether a given SQL service instance is running ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the SQL instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: 0 if the service is not started and not disabled ‘ 1 if the service is started ‘ -1 if the service is not started but the service is disabled ‘ -2 if there was a WMI Error getting the service status or the ‘ service does not exist ‘
Public Function IsSQLServiceStarted(sInstance) IsSQLServiceStarted = IsServiceStarted(GetSQLServiceName(sInstance)) End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsServiceStarted ‘ ‘ Purpose: Checks whether a given Windows service is running ‘ ‘ Parameters: sServiceName, the Windows service name (short) ‘ ‘ Returns: 0 if the service is not started and not disabled ‘ 1 if the service is started ‘ -1 if the service is not started but the service is disabled ‘ -2 if there was a WMI Error getting the service status or the ‘ service does not exist ‘
Public Function IsServiceStarted(sServiceName)
Dim oService, sObjectString sObjectString = “winmgmts:” & ScriptContext.TargetComputer & “rootcimv2” On Error Resume Next Err.Clear ‘We want to do our own error handling here. No WMIGetObject(). Set oService = GetObject(sObjectString & “:Win32_Service.Name='” & sServiceName & “‘”) If Err.number <> 0 Then IsServiceStarted = -2 Else If oService.State = “Running” Then IsServiceStarted = 1 ElseIf oService.StartMode = “Disabled” Then IsServiceStarted = -1 Else IsServiceStarted = 0 End If End If Set oService = nothing On Error Goto 0 End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLInstanceNameFromServiceName ‘ ‘ Purpose: ‘ ‘ Parameters: ‘ ‘ Returns: ‘ Public Function GetSQLInstanceNameFromServiceName(ByVal sServiceName) If sServiceName = SQL_DEFAULT Then GetSQLInstanceNameFromServiceName = SQL_DEFAULT Else GetSQLInstanceNameFromServiceName = Mid(sServiceName, 7) End If End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLServiceName ‘ ‘ Purpose: ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to return the service name for ‘ ‘ Returns: The service name ‘
Public Function GetSQLServiceName(sInstance) If sInstance = SQL_DEFAULT Then GetSQLServiceName = SQL_DEFAULT Else GetSQLServiceName = “MSSQL$” & sInstance End If End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLName ‘ ‘ Purpose: Returns the name of the SQL server. This will be the physical ‘ name of the server for a non clustered instance. It will be the ‘ Virtual name for a clustered instance ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to return the name for ‘ ‘ Returns: The server name (virtual or physical) ‘ If there was an error getting the name “” is returned ‘
Public Function GetSQLName(sInstance) Dim sClusterName
If IsClustered(sInstance) Then sClusterName = ReadRegistryStringValue(GetSQLInstanceKey(sInstance, “Cluster”), “ClusterName”, ScriptContext.TargetComputer) If Not IsNull(sClusterName) Then GetSQLName = sClusterName Else GetSQLName = “” End If Else GetSQLName = ScriptContext.TargetComputer End If
Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “GetSQLName returns: ” & GetSQLName)
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: GetSQLInstanceName ‘ ‘ Purpose: Returns the SQL Server instance name or default ‘ ‘ Parameters: sName – The physical name of the SQL Server ‘ sInstance – The SQL Server instance name ‘ ‘ Returns: The default or named instance connection name ‘ Public Function GetSQLInstanceName(sName, sInstance)
If sInstance = SQL_DEFAULT Then GetSQLInstanceName = sName Else GetSQLInstanceName = sName & “” & sInstance End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: SQLConnect ‘ ‘ Purpose: Creates a SQL DMO connection to an instance and runs a query ‘ at the instance level ‘ ‘ Parameters: sInstance, the name of the instance to check ‘ ‘ Returns: 1 if a connection is successfully made and the query run ‘ 0 if a connection cannot be made or the query cannot be run ‘ Public Function SQLConnect(sInstance)
dim oSQLServer, sPath, oResults, sName
On Error Resume Next
sName = GetSQLName (sInstance) If sName <> “” Then
Set oSQLServer = MomCreateObject(“SQLDMO.SQLServer”) If Err.number = 0 Then oSQLServer.LoginSecure = 1
sPath = GetSQLInstanceName(sName, sInstance)
oSQLServer.Connect sPath If Err.Number = 0 Then Set oResults = oSQLServer.ExecuteWithResults(“SELECT GETDATE()”) If Err.Number = 0 Then If oResults.GetColumnString(1,1) <> “” Then SQLConnect = 1 End If Else SQLConnect = 0 End If Else SQLConnect = 0 End If oSQLServer.Disconnect Set oSQLServer = Nothing Set oResults = nothing Else SQLConnect = 0 End If Else SQLConnect = 0 End If
On Error Goto 0 End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CreateEvent ‘ ‘ Purpose: Creates an event and inserts it into the MOM data stream ‘ The event will be created with the source set to the script name ‘ ‘ Parameters: iEventID, the event ID ‘ iEventType, the event type (see constant values at top of file) ‘ sMessage, the message text for the event ‘
Public Sub CreateEvent(iEventID, iEventType, sMessage) On Error Resume Next
Dim oNewEvent
‘ Create a new event Set oNewEvent = ScriptContext.CreateEvent()
‘ Set event properties oNewEvent.Message = sMessage oNewEvent.EventNumber = iEventID oNewEvent.EventType = iEventType
‘ Submit the event ScriptContext.Submit oNewEvent
Set oNewEvent = Nothing
End Sub
”****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CreateAlert ‘ ‘ Purpose: Raises an alert ‘ ‘ Parameters: ‘ iSeverity – The severity of the alert. ‘ strName – The name of the alert. ‘ strDescription – The alert description. ‘ strInstance – The instance of SQL for which to issue an alert. ‘ strComponent – The SQL component affected ‘ Function CreateAlert(iSeverity, strName, strDescription, strInstance, strComponent) Dim oAlert Set oAlert = ScriptContext.CreateAlert() oAlert.Name = strName oAlert.Description = strDescription oAlert.AlertSource = “SQL Server 2000 Replication Monitoring” oAlert.AlertLevel = iSeverity If strInstance <> “” And strComponent <> “” Then oAlert.ProblemState = PROBLEMSTATE_RED oAlert.ServerRole = SQL_CLASS_ID oAlert.ServerRoleInstance = strInstance oAlert.Component = strComponent oAlert.ComponentInstance = “” End If
ScriptContext.Submit oAlert End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CollectDatabaseExclusions ‘ ‘ Purpose: Collect the list of excluded databases ‘ ‘ Parameters: None ‘ ‘ Returns: None ‘ Sub CollectDatabaseExclusions()
Dim oExcludeFile Dim oFSO Dim sExcludeDatabaseName On Error Resume Next Set oFSO = MomCreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set oExcludeFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(DATABASE_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY & DATABASE_EXCLUDE_FILENAME, 1) If Err.number = 0 Then Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “Exclusions are defined for this server”) g_bDatabaseExclusion = True sExcludeDatabaseName = oExcludeFile.ReadAll g_aDatabaseExcludeArray = Split(sExcludeDatabaseName, vbcrlf) oExcludeFile.Close Else g_bDatabaseExclusion = False End If
On Error Goto 0 End Sub
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsDatabaseExcluded ‘ ‘ Purpose: Determine if a specified database is exlcuded from monitoring ‘ ‘ Parameters: Instance name and Database name ‘ ‘ Returns: True or False ‘ Function IsDatabaseExcluded(sInstanceName, sDatabaseName)
Dim sInstanceDatabaseName Dim iArrayMembers If g_bDatabaseExclusion Then If sInstanceName = SQL_DEFAULT Then sInstanceDatabaseName = sDatabaseName Else sInstanceDatabaseName = sInstanceName & “” & sDatabaseName End If
For iArrayMembers = 0 To UBound(g_aDatabaseExcludeArray)
If UCase(g_aDatabaseExcludeArray(iArrayMembers)) = UCase(sInstanceDatabaseName) Then IsDatabaseExcluded = True Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “Database ” & sDatabaseName & “on instance ” & sInstanceName & ” is excluded”) Exit Function End If Next IsDatabaseExcluded = False Else IsDatabaseExcluded = False End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: CollectJobExclusions ‘ ‘ Purpose: Collect the list of excluded servers/jobs ‘ ‘ Parameters: None ‘ ‘ Returns: None ‘ Sub CollectJobExclusions()
Dim oExcludeFile Dim oFSO Dim sExcludeServerName On Error Resume Next Set oFSO = MomCreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”) Set oExcludeFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(JOB_EXCLUDE_DIRECTORY & JOB_EXCLUDE_FILENAME, 1) If Err.number = 0 Then Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “Exclusions are defined for this server”) g_bJobExclusion = True sExcludeServerName = oExcludeFile.ReadAll g_aJobExcludeArray = Split(sExcludeServerName, vbcrlf) oExcludeFile.Close Else g_bJobExclusion = False End If
On Error Goto 0 End Sub
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: IsJobExcluded ‘ ‘ Purpose: Determine if a specified server/job is exlcuded from monitoring ‘ ‘ Parameters: Server name and Job name ‘ ‘ Returns: True or False ‘ Function IsJobExcluded(sServerName, sJobName) Dim sServerJobName Dim iArrayMembers If g_bJobExclusion Then sServerJobName = sServerName & “” & sJobName
For iArrayMembers = 0 To UBound(g_aJobExcludeArray)
If UCase(g_aJobExcludeArray(iArrayMembers)) = UCase(sServerJobName) Then IsJobExcluded = True Call g_oUtil.LogMessage(g_oUtil.DBG_TRACE, “Job ” & sJobName & “on server ” & sServerName & ” is excluded”) Exit Function End If Next IsJobExcluded = False Else IsJobExcluded = False End If
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: ServiceStateUpdate ‘ ‘ Purpose: Generate State Monitoring Red and Green lights for Summary State View ‘ ‘ Parameters: sStateToUpdate – eg Agent, Server, Connectivity ‘ sServiceName – name of the instance eg Instance1, Instance2 ‘ sStateDescription – text to be included in the alert description ‘ sHealthState – defined by constants ‘ ‘ Returns: Nothing ‘
Public Function ServiceStateUpdate(sStateToUpdate, sServiceName, sStateSource, sStateDescription, iHealthState)
Dim lngProblemState Dim oAlert Dim iProblemState Dim iAlertSev
Set oAlert = ScriptContext.CreateAlert() oAlert.Description = sStateDescription oAlert.AlertSource = sStateSource oAlert.ServerRole = SQL_CLASS_ID oAlert.ServerRoleInstance = sServiceName
Select Case sStateToUpdate Case “Server” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server 2000 Service Availability” oAlert.Component = SQL_SQL_COMPONENT_ID Case “Agent” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server Agent Service Availability” oAlert.Component = SQL_AGENT_COMPONENT_ID Case “Connectivity” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server Local Connectivity” oAlert.Component = SQL_CONNECTIVITY_COMPONENT_ID Case “DatabaseHealth” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server 2000 Database Health” oAlert.Component = SQL_DB_HEALTH_COMPONENT_ID Case “DatabaseSpace” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server Database Space” oAlert.Component = SQL_DB_SPACE_COMPONENT_ID Case “LogSpace” oAlert.Name = “SQL Server Log Space” oAlert.Component = SQL_LOG_SPACE_COMPONENT_ID End Select Select Case iHealthState Case SERVICESTATE_GREEN iProblemState = PROBLEMSTATE_GREEN iAlertSev = ALERT_CRITICAL_ERROR Case SERVICESTATE_YELLOW iProblemState = PROBLEMSTATE_RED iAlertSev = ALERT_WARNING Case SERVICESTATE_RED iProblemState = PROBLEMSTATE_RED iAlertSev = ALERT_CRITICAL_ERROR End Select
oAlert.ProblemState = iProblemState oAlert.AlertLevel = iAlertSev ScriptContext.Submit oAlert
End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: ReadRegistryStringValue ‘ ‘ Purpose: Return a string value from the registry (HKLM) ‘ ‘ Parameters: sKeyPath, the path to the key ‘ sValueName, the name of the value to return ‘ sHostName, the computer to connect to ‘ ‘ Returns: A string matching the contents of the value or null ‘ Public Function ReadRegistryStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName) Dim lResult ReadRegistryStringValue = m_oSafeRegistry.ReadStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: ReadRegistryMultiStringValue ‘ ‘ Purpose: Return a multi string value from the registry (HKLM) ‘ ‘ Parameters: sKeyPath, the path to the key ‘ sValueName, the name of the value to return ‘ sHostName, the computer to connect to ‘ ‘ Returns: A string matching the contents of the value or null ‘ Public Function ReadRegistryMultiStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName) Dim lResult ReadRegistryMultiStringValue = m_oSafeRegistry.ReadMultiStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) End Function
‘****************************************************************************** ‘ Name: ReadRegistryDWORDValue ‘ ‘ Purpose: Return a DWORD value from the registry (HKLM) ‘ ‘ Parameters: sKeyPath, the path to the key ‘ sValueName, the name of the value to return ‘ sHostName, the computer to connect to ‘ ‘ Returns: A string matching the contents of the value or null ‘ Public Function ReadRegistryDWORDValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName) Dim lResult ReadRegistryDWORDValue = m_oSafeRegistry.ReadDWORDValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) End Function
End Class
Class SafeRegistry Private m_oError Private m_oRegistry Private m_sHive Public SUPPRESS_KEY_NOT_FOUND Public SUPPRESS_VALUE_NOT_FOUND Public SUPPRESS_ACCESS_DENIED Public SUPPRESS_ALL Private m_lSuppressionFlags Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set m_oError = New Error m_sHive = “HKLM” Set m_oRegistry = New Registry SUPPRESS_KEY_NOT_FOUND = &H00000001 SUPPRESS_VALUE_NOT_FOUND = &H00000002 SUPPRESS_ACCESS_DENIED = &H00000004 SUPPRESS_ALL = &HFFFFFFFF m_lSuppressionFlags = 0 End Sub Public Property Let SuppressionFlags(ByVal lValue) m_lSuppressionFlags = lValue End Property Public Property Get SuppressionFlags() SuppressionFlags = m_lSuppressionFlags End Property Public Function ReadDWORDValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) ReadDWORDValue = Null On Error Resume Next ReadDWORDValue = m_oRegistry.ReadDWORDValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) m_oError.Save On Error Goto 0 If m_oError.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), m_oError Exit Function End If HandleResult m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName, lResult End Function Public Function ReadStringValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) ReadStringValue = Null On Error Resume Next ReadStringValue = m_oRegistry.ReadStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) m_oError.Save On Error Goto 0 If m_oError.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), m_oError Exit Function End If
HandleResult m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName, lResult End Function
Public Function ReadMultiStringValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) ReadMultiStringValue = Null On Error Resume Next ReadMultiStringValue = m_oRegistry.ReadMultiStringValue(sKeyPath, sValueName, sHostName, lResult) m_oError.Save On Error Goto 0 If m_oError.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), m_oError Exit Function End If
HandleResult m_sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName, lResult End Function Public Function EnumKeys(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) EnumKeys = Null On Error Resume Next EnumKeys = m_oRegistry.EnumKeys(sKeyPath, sHostName, lResult) m_oError.Save On Error Goto 0 If m_oError.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_ERROR_READING_KEY_MESSAGE(m_sHive, sKeyPath), m_oError Exit Function End If HandleResult m_sHive, sKeyPath, “”, lResult End Function Private Sub HandleResult(ByVal sHive, ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal lResult) Select Case lResult Case m_oRegistry.SUCCESS Exit Sub Case m_oRegistry.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED If (SuppressionFlags And SUPPRESS_ACCESS_DENIED) = 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), Err Else ScriptContext.Echo GET_REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName) End If Case m_oRegistry.ERROR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND If (SuppressionFlags And SUPPRESS_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) = 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), Err Else ScriptContext.Echo GET_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName) End If Case m_oRegistry.ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND If (SuppressionFlags And SUPPRESS_KEY_NOT_FOUND) = 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath), Err Else ScriptContext.Echo GET_REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath) End If Case Else If (SuppressionFlags And SUPPRESS_ALL) = 0 Then ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName), Err Else ScriptContext.Echo GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(sHive, sKeyPath, sValueName) End If End Select End Sub Private Function GET_REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE(ByVal sHive, ByVal sRegKey, ByVal sRegValue) Const REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE = “Access denied while reading registry value [{Hive}{RegKey}{RegValue}]” Dim sResult sResult = Replace(REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE, “{RegKey}”, sRegKey) sResult = Replace(sResult, “{Hive}”, sHive) GET_REGISTRY_ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE = Replace(sResult, “{RegValue}”, sRegValue) End Function
Private Function GET_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(ByVal sHive, ByVal sRegKey, ByVal sRegValue) Const REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = “Registry value [{Hive}{RegKey}{RegValue}] not found” Dim sResult sResult = Replace(REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, “{RegKey}”, sRegKey) sResult = Replace(sResult, “{Hive}”, sHive) GET_REGISTRY_VALUE_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = Replace(sResult, “{RegValue}”, sRegValue) End Function
Private Function GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE(ByVal sHive, ByVal sRegKey, ByVal sRegValue) Const ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE = “Error while reading registry value [{Hive}{RegKey}{RegValue}]” Dim sResult sResult = Replace(ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE, “{RegKey}”, sRegKey) sResult = Replace(sResult, “{Hive}”, sHive) GET_ERROR_READING_REGISTRY_MESSAGE = Replace(sResult, “{RegValue}”, sRegValue) End Function
Function GET_REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE(ByVal sHive, ByVal sRegKey) Const REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = “Registry key [{Hive}{RegKey}] not found” Dim sResult sResult = Replace(REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE, “{Hive}”, sHive) GET_REGISTRY_KEY_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = Replace(sResult, “{RegKey}”, sRegKey) End Function
Function GET_ERROR_READING_KEY_MESSAGE(ByVal sHive, ByVal sRegKey) Const ERROR_READING_KEY_MESSAGE = “Error while reading registry key [{Hive}{RegKey}]” Dim sResult sResult = Replace(ERROR_READING_KEY_MESSAGE, “{Hive}”, sHive) GET_ERROR_READING_KEY_MESSAGE = Replace(sResult, “{RegKey}”, sRegKey) End Function End Class
Public ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Public ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND Public ERROR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND Public SUCCESS Private Sub Class_Initialize() HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000 HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 HKEY_USERS = &H80000003 HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005 HKEY_DYN_DATA = &H80000006 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5 ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND = 2 ERROR_VALUE_NOT_FOUND = 1 SUCCESS = 0 End Sub Public Function ReadDWORDValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) Dim oReg Set oReg = WMIGetObject(“winmgmts://” & sHostName & “/root/default:StdRegProv”) Dim lValue lResult = oReg.GetDWORDValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPath, sValueName, lValue) ReadDWORDValue = lValue End Function Public Function ReadStringValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) Dim oReg Set oReg = WMIGetObject(“winmgmts://” & sHostName & “/root/default:StdRegProv”) Dim sValue lResult = oReg.GetStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPath, sValueName, sValue) ReadStringValue = sValue End Function Public Function ReadMultiStringValue(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sValueName, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) Dim oReg Set oReg = WMIGetObject(“winmgmts://” & sHostName & “/root/default:StdRegProv”) Dim aValues lResult = oReg.GetMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPath, sValueName, aValues) ReadMultiStringValue = aValues End Function Public Function EnumKeys(ByVal sKeyPath, ByVal sHostName, ByRef lResult) Dim oReg Set oReg = WMIGetObject(“winmgmts://” & sHostName & “/root/default:StdRegProv”) Dim aSubKeys lResult = oReg.EnumKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKeyPath, aSubKeys) EnumKeys = aSubKeys End Function End Class
Class Error Private m_lNumber Private m_sSource Private m_sDescription Private m_sHelpContext Private m_sHelpFile Public Sub Save() m_lNumber = Err.number m_sSource = Err.Source m_sDescription = Err.Description m_sHelpContext = Err.HelpContext m_sHelpFile = Err.helpfile End Sub Public Sub Raise() Err.Raise m_lNumber, m_sSource, m_sDescription, m_sHelpFile, m_sHelpContext End Sub Public Sub Clear() m_lNumber = 0 m_sSource = “” m_sDescription = “” m_sHelpContext = “” m_sHelpFile = “” End Sub Public Property Get Number() Number = m_lNumber End Property Public Property Get Source() Source = m_sSource End Property Public Property Get Description() Description = m_sDescription End Property Public Property Get HelpContext() HelpContext = m_sHelpContext End Property Public Property Get HelpFile() HelpFile = m_sHelpFile End Property End Class
Dim g_oUtil Set g_oUtil = New Util
‘========================================================================== ‘ Class: Util ‘ Description: Utility methods for logging, creating MOM alert ‘========================================================================== Class Util
’ Used to say to LogMessage when/how to print the message. Public DBG_NONE Public DBG_ERROR Public DBG_WARNING Public DBG_TRACE Public HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
’Internal Debug Level Private m_nDebugLevel Private m_oSafeRegistry ’————— ’ Methods ’—————
’============= ’ Method: Class_Initialize ’ Description: This is the constructor ’ Parameters: ’============= Private Sub Class_Initialize() ’ Initialize Debug level constants DBG_TRACE = 1 DBG_WARNING = 2 DBG_ERROR = 3 DBG_NONE = 4
’by default only errors are logged m_nDebugLevel = DBG_ERROR Set m_oSafeRegistry = New SafeRegistry m_oSafeRegistry.SuppressionFlags = (m_oSafeRegistry.SUPPRESS_KEY_NOT_FOUND Or m_oSafeRegistry.SUPPRESS_VALUE_NOT_FOUND)
End Sub ’============= ’ Method: Class_Terminate ’ Description: This is the destructor ’ Parameters: ’============= Private Sub Class_Terminate() End Sub
’============= ’ Method: SetDebugLevel ’ Description: To change the debugging output level of information ’ generated by this utility. ’ Parameters: ’ nLevel – Level, either DBG_NONE, DBG_TRACE, ’ DBG_WARNING or DBG_ERROR ’============= Public Sub SetDebugLevel(ByVal nLevel) m_nDebugLevel = nLevel End Sub ’============= ’ Method: LogMessage ’ Description: Log a debug message to ScriptContext ’ Parameters: ’ nLevel – Debug level for the message that we’re logging. ’ strMessage – The message to write to the trace. ’============= Public Sub LogMessage( _ ByVal nLevel, _ ByVal strMessage _ ) If (nLevel >= m_nDebugLevel) Then if (nLevel = DBG_ERROR) Then ScriptContext.Echo “[Error]: ” & strMessage ElseIf (nLevel = DBG_WARNING) Then ScriptContext.Echo “[Warning]: ” & strMessage ElseIf (nLevel = DBG_TRACE) Then ScriptContext.Echo “[Trace]:” & strMessage End If End If End Sub ’============= ’ Method: SplitVerStr ’ Description: Split a version string into integers. ’ Parameters: ’ strVer – The version string. ’ iMajor – The output integer for major version. ’ iMinor – The output integer for minor version. ’============= Function SplitVerStr(ByVal strVer, ByRef iMajor, ByRef iMinor) Dim iPos Dim strMinor iPos = InStr(strVer, “.”) if 0 = iPos then iMajor = CInt(strVer) iMinor = 0 Exit Function end if iMajor = CInt(Left(strVer, iPos)) strMinor = Right(strVer, Len(strVer)-iPos) iPos = InStr(strMinor, “.”) if 0 = iPos then iMinor = CInt(strMinor) else iMinor = CInt(Left(strMinor, iPos)) end if
End Function
’============= ’ Method: ReadRegistryValue ’ Description: Used to read strings from the registry ’ Parameters: ’ Root - Root of the registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS etc. Refer to constants defined earlier) ’ strKeyPath - Key path for the Registry key to read ’ (like “SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersion”) ’ strValueName – Name of the registry entry to read (like “SoftwareType”) ’ ’ Returns: ’ The value of the registry key specified. “Nothing” if it fails. Callee needs to handle null value return. ’============= Public Function ReadRegistryValue(strKeyPath, strValueName, strHostName) Dim lResult Dim strValueData strValueData = m_oSafeRegistry.ReadStringValue(strKeyPath, strValueName, strHostName, lResult) If Not IsNull(strValueData) Then Call LogMessage(DBG_TRACE, “Value of Registry Key: ” & strKeyPath & “” & strValueName & ” = ” & strValueData) ReadRegistryValue = strValueData Else Call LogMessage(DBG_ERROR, “Reading Registry Key: ” & strKeyPath & “” & strValueName & ” Failed!” ) ReadRegistryValue = empty End If End Function End Class
Function IsValidObject(ByVal oObject) IsValidObject = False If IsObject(oObject) Then If Not oObject Is Nothing Then IsValidObject = True End If End If End Function
Function WMIGetObject(sNamespace) ‘ ‘ WMIGetObject :: Returns the WMI object requested. ‘ ‘ Dim oWMI
On Error Resume Next Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace) If IsEmpty(oWMI) Then ThrowScriptError “Unable to open WMI Namespace ‘” & sNamespace & “‘. Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace exists.”, Err End If On Error Goto 0
Set WMIGetObject = oWMI Set oWMI = Nothing
End Function
Function WMIGetInstance(sNamespace, sInstance) ‘ ‘ WMIGetInstance :: Returns WMI Instance requested. ‘ ‘ Dim oWMI, oInstance, nInstanceCount
On Error Resume Next Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace) If IsEmpty(oWMI) Then ThrowScriptError “Unable to open WMI Namespace ‘” & sNamespace & “‘. Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace exists.”, Err End If
Set oInstance = oWMI.InstancesOf(sInstance) If IsEmpty(oInstance) Or Err.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptError “The class name ‘” & sInstance & “‘ returned no instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI class name.”, Err End If
’Determine if we queried a valid WMI class – Count will return 0 or empty
nInstanceCount = oInstance.Count If Err.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptError “The class name ‘” & sInstance & “‘ did not return any valid instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI class name.”, Err End If On Error Goto 0
Set WMIGetInstance = oInstance
Set oInstance = Nothing Set oWMI = Nothing
End Function
Function WMIExecQuery(sNamespace, sQuery) ‘ ‘ WMIExecQuery :: Executes the WMI query and returns the result set. ‘ ‘ Dim oWMI, oQuery, nInstanceCount On Error Resume Next Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace) If IsEmpty(oWMI) Then ThrowScriptError “Unable to open WMI Namespace ‘” & sNamespace & “‘. Check to see if the WMI service is enabled and running, and ensure this WMI namespace exists.”, Err End If
Set oQuery = oWMI.ExecQuery(sQuery) If IsEmpty(oQuery) Or Err.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptError “The Query ‘” & sQuery & “‘ returned an invalid result set. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query.”, Err End If
’Determine if we queried a valid WMI class – Count will return 0 or empty nInstanceCount = oQuery.Count If Err.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptError “The Query ‘” & sQuery & “‘ did not return any valid instances. Please check to see if this is a valid WMI Query.”, Err End If On Error Goto 0
Set WMIExecQuery = oQuery
Set oQuery = Nothing Set oWMI = Nothing End Function
Function WMIGetInstanceNoAbort(sNamespace, sInstance) ‘ ‘ WMIGetInstanceNoAbort :: Returns WMI Instance requested. ‘ ‘ Dim oWMI, oInstance, nInstanceCount
On Error Resume Next Set oWMI = GetObject(sNamespace) If Not IsEmpty(oWMI) Then
Set oInstance = oWMI.InstancesOf(sInstance) If Not IsEmpty(oInstance) And Err.Number = 0 Then
’Determine if we queried a valid WMI class – Count will return 0 or empty nInstanceCount = oInstance.Count If Err.Number = 0 Then Set WMIGetInstanceNoAbort = oInstance Exit Function End If End If End If On Error Goto 0
Set WMIGetInstanceNoAbort = Nothing
Set oInstance = Nothing Set oWMI = Nothing
End Function
Const wbemCimtypeUseDefault = 0 ‘Use Default Type CIM type – Custom Const wbemCimtypeSint16 = 2 ‘Signed 16-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeSint32 = 3 ‘Signed 32-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeReal32 = 4 ’32-bit real number Const wbemCimtypeReal64 = 5 ’64-bit real number Const wbemCimtypeString = 8 ‘String Const wbemCimtypeBoolean = 11 ‘Boolean value Const wbemCimtypeObject = 13 ‘CIM object Const wbemCimtypeSint8 = 16 ‘Signed 8-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeUint8 = 17 ‘Unsigned 8-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeUint16 = 18 ‘Unsigned 16-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeUint32 = 19 ‘Unsigned 32-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeSint64 = 20 ‘Signed 64-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeUint64 = 21 ‘Unsigned 64-bit integer Const wbemCimtypeDatetime = 101 ‘Date/time value Const wbemCimtypeReference = 102 ‘Reference to a CIM object Const wbemCimtypeChar16 = 103 ’16-bit character
Const ErrAction_None = 0 Const ErrAction_Trace = 1 Const ErrAction_ThrowError = 16 Const ErrAction_Abort = 32 Const ErrAction_ThrowErrorAndAbort = 48
Function GetWMIProperty(oWmi, sPropName, nCIMType, ErrAction) Dim sValue, oWmiProp
If Not IsObject(oWmi) Then If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _ ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort “Accessing property on invalid WMI object.”, Err
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _ ScriptContext.Quit()
GetWMIProperty = “” Exit Function End If
On Error Resume Next Set oWmiProp = oWmi.Properties_.Item(sPropName) If Err.Number <> 0 Then If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _ ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort “An error occurred while accessing WMI property: ‘” & sPropName & “‘.”, Err
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _ ScriptContext.Quit() End If On Error Goto 0 If IsValidObject(oWmiProp) Then sValue = oWmiProp.Value
If IsNull(sValue) Then ’ ’ If value is null, return blank to avoid any issues ’ GetWMIProperty = “”
Select Case (oWmiProp.CIMType) Case wbemCimtypeString, wbemCimtypeSint16, wbemCimtypeSint32, wbemCimtypeReal32, wbemCimtypeReal64, wbemCimtypeSint8, wbemCimtypeUint8, wbemCimtypeUint16, wbemCimtypeUint32, wbemCimtypeSint64, wbemCimtypeUint64: GetWMIProperty = Trim(CStr(sValue)) Case wbemCimtypeBoolean: If sValue = 1 Or UCase(sValue) = “TRUE” Then GetWMIProperty = “True” Else GetWMIProperty = “False” End If Case wbemCimtypeDatetime:
Dim sTmpStrDate ’ ’ First attempt to convert the whole wmi date string ’ sTmpStrDate = Mid(sValue, 5, 2) & “/” & _ Mid(sValue, 7, 2) & “/” & _ Left(sValue, 4) & ” ” & _ Mid (sValue, 9, 2) & “:” & _ Mid(sValue, 11, 2) & “:” & _ Mid(sValue, 13, 2) If IsDate(sTmpStrDate) Then GetWMIProperty = CDate(sTmpStrDate) Else
’ ’ Second, attempt just to convert the YYYYMMDD ’ sTmpStrDate = Mid(sValue, 5, 2) & “/” & _ Mid(sValue, 7, 2) & “/” & _ Left(sValue, 4) If IsDate(sTmpStrDate) Then GetWMIProperty = CDate(sTmpStrDate) Else ’ ’ Nothing works – return passed in string ’ GetWMIProperty = sValue End If End If Case Else: GetWMIProperty = “” End Select End If Else
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_ThrowError) = ErrAction_ThrowError Then _ ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort “An error occurred while accessing WMI property: ‘” & sPropName & “‘.”, Err
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Abort) = ErrAction_Abort Then _ ScriptContext.Quit()
GetWMIProperty = “”
End If
If (ErrAction And ErrAction_Trace) = ErrAction_Trace Then _ ScriptContext.Echo “ + ” & sPropName & ” :: ‘” & GetWMIProperty & “‘” End Function
Function ThrowScriptError(sMessage, oErr) ‘ ‘ ThrowScriptError :: Creates an event and sends it back to the mom server ‘ ‘ On Error Resume Next ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort sMessage, oErr ScriptContext.Quit() End Function
Function ThrowScriptErrorNoAbort(sMessage, oErr) ‘ ‘ ThrowScriptError :: Creates an event and sends it back to the mom server ‘ ‘
Dim sErrDescription, sErrNumber sErrDescription = oErr.Description sErrNumber = oErr.Number
On Error Resume Next
Dim oScriptErrorEvent
Set oScriptErrorEvent = ScriptContext.CreateEvent() With oScriptErrorEvent .EventNumber = 40000 .EventType = EVENT_TYPE_ERROR .Message = sMessage .SetEventParameter “Microsoft SQL Server” .SetEventParameter sMessage .SetEventParameter sErrDescription .SetEventParameter sErrNumber End With ScriptContext.Submit oScriptErrorEvent ScriptContext.Echo “ThrowScriptError(‘” & sMessage & “‘)” End Function
Function MomCreateObject(sProgramId) ‘ ‘ MomCreateObject :: Creates an automation object. ‘ ‘ On Error Resume Next Set MomCreateObject = CreateObject(sProgramId) If Err.Number <> 0 Then ThrowScriptError “Unable to create automation object ‘” & sProgramId & “‘”, Err End If On Error Goto 0 End Function