

Sender: Michael Hanlon


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Is there a way to trigger a MOM event if a MSMQ queue has a message stuck for over 3 minutes?

I would like to send you a screen shot that would explain what I am talking about.

We have MSMQ private queues. If a message get stuck, it does not write to the event log. We have MSMQ MP installed, but it not triggering an alert.

We would like to implement a WMI event sink for this to raise an alert


Ok .. if I’m reading it correct this is possible with a MOM performance Counter. The MSMQ MP has nothing to do with it.

Here we go:

1) Create a new “performance rule” in a rule group that is connected to a computer group with contains the MSMQ server.

2) In the tab “data provider“ select “new..“ . Choose “windows NT performance counter“

3) now you’re getting a “windows NT performance counter provider properties“ window.

Select the server where the MSMQ queue is standing on. Now select “advanced“ and choose on the object filed : “MSMQ Queue“

. And on the Instance filed choose the queue you want to monitor.

4) Setup the sample rate. This one is up to you. I would choose 5 or 10 minutes.

5) now press OK.

 6) then choose the tab “threshold” And select “the change in value over”  lets say 2.

7) change the “less than the following value” to 1

8) Now go to the alert tab. And  enable the “generate alert“

This will do it for now…

Hope this helps. If not let me know though the “feedback“ option on this blog.
